Homes for any life stage — Killam is for everyone
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Civic 66, Kitchener, ON
Why choose Killam? The proof is in the numbers.
of residents are happy with their current apartment overall.
are satisfied with the location of their building.
of residents would recommend Killam to a friend or family member.
Killam Better Living Logo

At Killam, we aim to create a better living experience for all

At Killam, we have more meaningful goals than just helping people find the perfect place to live. We work hard to make sure that all our residents love the place they call home. It’s where they grow, entertain friends, and even raise their families. It’s where memories are born, and experiences are savoured. So we’re proud to do our part to make our residents’ lives a little richer.

Everything you need at Killam

We know how hard finding the right apartment or vacation spot can be. At Killam, we’re committed to making that process easier, and keeping you happy once you make that important decision. Let us help you find what you’re looking for. 

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